শুক্রবার, ৩১ মার্চ ২০১৭

BBForganized a discussion program on 46th Independence day

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শুক্রবার, ৩১ মার্চ ২০১৭


bongo-news.com.Better Bangladesh Foundation (BBF)organized a discussion program on 46th Independence day and
BBF Corporate Leadership Award 2016 was held on 27th March 2017.
Better Bangladesh Foundation (A National Think-Tank and Development Organization) in association with Dhaka Language Club organized a seminar on Independence day 2017 at Gulshan Club in the city on Monday 27th of March, 2017. Speakers underscored the importance of great Independence day of Bangladesh and Recognition of Corporate Leaders. Chief guest Rashed Khan Menon, MP, Tourism and Civil Aviation Minister said in his speech that Better Bangladesh Foundation has organized a very timely and a significant program specially to recognize the contributors in terms of economic development of this country. I heard BBF is working in the field of human development, youth development, women empowerment, poverty alleviation, Tourism and image building of the country at home and abroad. We assure to provide all kind of support for this organization from our Government.
Chair of the program Muhammad Faruk Khan, MP, Former Minister and chief advisor of BBF said Bangladesh is achieving a remarkable success in many areas under able leadership by Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and BBF also working in the image building of this country. They are also working for the youth development of this country. Being a chief adviser of this organization I will have all my all support and co-operation for this organization. I appreciate all the members and executive committee under leadership by Masud A Khan. The meeting was also address by Raquib Uddin Ahmed, Former President Dhaka University Alumni Association, Syed Al Farooque , MD of Wills Group and many others.
The program was moderated by Masud A Khan, Chairman & Founder of Better Bangladesh Foundation. Masud A Khan said we are proud to be Bangladeshis and Bangladesh is now an emerging tiger, by 2021 Bangladesh will be a middle income country and by 2041 Bangladesh will become in the line of develop countries under the great leadership by our Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Our young generation can play a vital role for that to drive this nation.

The award winners are
1. Bangladesh General Insurance Company (BGIC)
2. NRB Global Bank Ltd.
3. Shanta/STS Group
4. Joy Auto Garments Ltd.
5. Wills Group
6. Babylon Group
7. ATN Bangla (Electronic Media)
8. Asian Group of Industries.
In this program, ATN Bangla joins as an electronic media partner, daily Observer joins as print media partner and Etihad Airlines joins as Airlines partner while Bangladesh Legal Times participated as legal partner in the program.

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