Bongo human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an extremely dangerous virus that attacks a person’s body by destroying blood cells that are needed to help fight off disease. It’s estimated that over 50,000 people contract HIV each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The best way to contain this virus is to learn how HIV spreads and what can be down to prevent transmission.
How HIV SpreadsHIV is transmitted from one person to another through bodily fluids. The fluids that carry HIV - semen, vaginal secretions, blood and breast milk - must come into contact with a damaged tissue or mucous membrane of another person in order for the virus to be spread. The only other method of transmission occurs when an infected bodily fluid is directly injected into the blood stream of another person with a needle or syringe.The most common methods of HIV transmission are:Sexual contact: Having sex with someone with HIV without using a condom is the most common form of HIV transmission. Unprotected anal sex has a higher risk of transmission than unprotected vaginal sex.STDs: Though HIV itself is considered a sexually transmitted disease, having other STDs can increase the risk of infection during sex.Multiple sex partners: Having multiple sexual partners increases the risk of HIV transmission.Mother-to-child: HIV can be transmitted from a mother to a child during pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding.Drug use: Needles, syringes, rinse water and other equipment used to prepare illicit drugs for injection is another common method of HIV transmission.Uncommon Modes Of HIV TransmissionHIV is normally transmitted through sexual contact with an infected individual or through one of the methods listed above. However, there are some less common modes of HIV transmission that it is important to be aware of, including:Oral sex: Unprotected oral sex is another form of sexual contact through which HIV can be spread, though it contains a much lower risk compared to vaginal or anal sex. (For more information on oral sex and STDs, see Oral Sex And STDs: Transmission Without Intercourse.)Needle stick: Being pricked by an HIV-contaminated needle or other sharp object could transmit the virus. This is primarily a concern for health care workers.Blood transfusions: HIV can be transmitted via blood transfusions or organ and tissue transplants which are contaminated with the virus. Fortunately, there are rigorous testing procedures in place in the U.S. to prevent this.Broken skin: When broken skin, a wound or a mucous membrane comes into contact with HIV-infected blood or bodily fluids, the virus could be transmitted.Eating pre-chewed food: HIV can be transmitted by eating food that has been pre-chewed by a person with the virus. There has to be blood present in the food for this to occur - it has only been documented in rare cases with infants receiving pre-chewed food from caregivers.Tattoos and piercings: Getting a tattoo or piercing with an HIV-infected needle or instrument could transmit the virus. (To learn more about dangers to watch out for when getting a tattoo, read Tattoo Health Risks: Precautions For Getting Inked.)Deep kissing: Open-mouth or French kissing could cause HIV transmission if the infected person has a cut in his or her mouth allowing blood to pass to the other person. This is extremely rare.How HIV Is NOT SpreadThere are plenty of myths out there about HIV, and many of them have to do with the ways that HIV can be transmitted. The following are some of the ways that HIV cannot be spread:AirWaterBites or stings from insectsSaliva, tears or sweatCasual contact (like shaking hands or hugging)Closed mouth or “social” kissingPreventing HIV TransmissionThe best way to prevent HIV is to take proactive steps to protect yourself from the virus. The following are some of the best ways to prevent the spread of HIV:Know your status: The CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 get tested for HIV at least once. If you engage in any of the activities mentioned in the first section of this article (unprotected sex, having multiple sex partners, sharing needles, etc.) it’s important to get tested for HIV at least once a year. Women who plan on getting pregnant may also want to get tested.Get treatment: If you do find out that you are HIV-positive, you need to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Not only can medications and supportive services help you stay healthy, they can also help reduce your ability to transmit the virus to others.Always use protection: Whenever engaging in sexual activity, use a condom. Latex condoms have been found to be very effective at preventing the transmission of HIV.Prevent STDs: By getting tested for and treated other STDs, you reduce your risk of being infected with HIV.Limit your sex partners: The more sexual partners you have, the higher your risk for being infected with HIV or another STD. If possible, have your partners get tested for HIV and other STDs before engaging in sexual activity.Circumcision: Being circumcised reduces the risk of a man transmitted HIV to a woman during vaginal sex.Don’t share needles: Only use a sterile, unused needle for intravenous drugs, steroids or any injectable medications.Get educated: There are many risk reduction programs in which you can participate to help you learn more about how to use a condom properly, how to get tested and other important facts about prevent HIV transmission.HIV is a very harmful and debilitating virus that can eventually lead to AIDS. It is vital that you understand the risks of HIV transmission and take steps to prevent it. Ask your doctor if you have more questions about preventing HIV or if you want to get tested for the virus.
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