Collision of Biodiversity showing adverse impact on climate change

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বুধবার, ৫ মে ২০২১

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Reporter: Kazi Mohammad Monayem:- In 2015 global leaders adopted the sustainable development goals. Goal 14 aims to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources. Marine biodiversity, the variety of life in the oceans and seas is critical to achieving this goal. It supports the healthy functioning of the planet and humanity for example “marine plants produce roughly 50% atmospheric oxygen. Coral reef related tourism generates more than 37 billion dollars each year. Marine fisheries and aquaculture contributes substantially the income of 10% of the world’s population. Primarily in developing countries, fish provides a critical source of protein and nutrition for more than 3 billion people. Coastal ecosystems such as reefs and mangroves protects coastal communities from storm surge and extreme weather events more than half of nearly 5000 pathogen genes of marine organisms are being applied to medicines and human health.

However, the ocean is changing. It is under increasing pressure from unsustainable fishing practices, pollution, marine debris, habitat loss, ocean acidification and climate change. Protecting and restoring biodiversity is critical to achieving the sustainable oceans. Parties to the convention of Biological Diversity have been working together around the world to safeguard marine biodiversity through the strategic plan for biodiversity.
Dhaka has witnessed a rise in temperature of almost 3 degrees Celsius in the last 20 years while the world is fighting to contain the increase in global temperature to under 1.5 degrees.

The result of the collision of our biodiversity shows rising temperature in Dhaka over the last 20 years is 2.74  degrees Celsius, finds a study conducted on five major cities of Bangladesh.

Like Dhaka, Chattogram, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barishal and Sylhet have also witnessed rising trends of day and night temperatures in the timeframe, said the study, which surmised that population density, lack of greenery, uneven building heights, and human activities are the main reasons behind the trend.

The study titled “Surface urban heat island intensity (SUHII) in five major cities of Bangladesh: patterns, drivers and trends” was published in the Sustainable Cities and Society Journal of Elsevier on April 16.

Again Two dead whales, one of which is 16-meters long, washed up on Bangladesh’s shore over two days, which of course a great concern for us that we are making not only the climate worst but also the marine habitat is getting cursed day by day.
Unless we take sustainable footpaces as early as possible, we are going to witness a great havoc in recent future.

বাংলাদেশ সময়: ১৩:২৫:০১   ১২৭৭ বার পঠিত   #  #  #  #  #

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