Hey this is George Floyd - Reza Sattar

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মঙ্গলবার, ৯ জুন ২০২০

 the killing

George Floyd
Hey this is George Floyd
I’m here
I’m alive
I never ever die

I’m the security guard
I’m the dancer in restaurant
I’m the DJ
I’m the bouncer

I plead guilty
I was not guilty
I had nowhere to live
I thought jail will be better

people call me Big Floyd
people call me Big Gentle
George Floyd
George Floyd

I will be with you forever
I have daughter
I have girl friend
I have Mum, funs and friends too

I got lay out for Corona virus
I was living in the park
In park’s
In Bench

No food
No job
No Money
No shelter

Some one purposely donate in park 20$ bill
I don’t know whether it is fake or real 20 $ bill
I need cigarette
I need nicotine

So, I got cigarette from
Arab food
Cup food or
Covid food or

They asked cigarettes back
But I opened the pack
I told them I will bring the money
I usually come to this covid food store

Covid food , don’t checked the bill
It was their job to test the bill before gave me cigarette
Racism is here?
No ?

They call the Cab on me
that said a Black Giant man
intoxicated violent with guns
they lie to the cab

White Police
came & called three white and Asian Police
Put hand cuff on me
I asked pardon of my live

They put my face down
A white police officer put his keen to my neck
Holding my breathe
Blood is draining through my mouth

I said 15 times
I can’t breathe
I can’t breathe

No use
He hold me 8 minutes and over 2.5 minutes after I was totally unconscious they make sure I die
But I am alive

I’m here with you
I will not never ever die
I will not never ever die
I will not never ever die

It’s not racism
Its’ George Floyd
I am here
I am alive

Corporate are looters
Corporate businessmen run the Country
Corporate Mobs
I am the mob?

Corporate Elite send all jobs
for Chinese or Laos or who even it will be but
Jobs to Back

Corporate Elite
Screwed up of the country
Bill Gate – Sponsored of Corona virus
send job to China

Star Bucks, Apple, McDonald, Nike…Only 8 giant are making money
they are the mob
they are the looters

Or those Corporate Elite are the mob
America sunk to debt
Vote looting
Fed by corporate Elite

There are no jobs for black general people
I have no job
I ‘m the mob
I’m the victim of Bill Gates

XiJinping how will be handle
Xijinping took over World Economy
XiJinping screwed up corporate Elite to throat
XiJinping largest Opium buyer for his slaves workers in China .


Hey this is George Floyd
I am alive
I never die
George Floyd

Give Nuke or knife or Corona Virus or anything
I will wipe up Corporate Elite
or Political Crime
or by Greediness’

Yes now I am the mob
I am mad
I am forensic
I am intoxicated
I am looter
I am killer
I am Israfil
I am mad
I am disobedient
I am screwed up
I am alive

God Come to me
I will stab your face

Hey Abraham Lincoln
awake up
Write me a new
Emancipation and Proclamation:

To wipe up the white house with Corona virus
To wipe up the corporate Elites ‘
with Bill Gates
sponsor of Corona Virus.

To wipe up Xijinping’s opium slaves in China
To wipe up the all companies, who took my job to Chinese Opium Slaves
To wipe Opium Plants too

Hey this is George Floyd
I m alive
I never die
Hey this is George Floyd

I will wipe up with Corona Virus
Mosque or Temple
Change the name White House to Black House or covid house or George Floyd House

No size fire
No Solidarity
No Compromise
No Sympathy

Put my job back to me
Put my food back on my table
Put my daughter back to School
Put my shelter back on me

Hey I am alive
I am murderer
I am Killer
I am dope
I am intoxicated
I ‘m FF
I am George Floyd
I am George Floyd

protesting raise and writer Reza  Sattar
Reza Sattar reserved all copy writes( unedited / not translated )

বাংলাদেশ সময়: ৪:১৭:৪৩   ১৯৬৭ বার পঠিত   #  #

পাঠকের মন্তব্য

(মতামতের জন্যে সম্পাদক দায়ী নয়।)

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