How to wear gold glamorously

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শনিবার, ২০ জুলাই ২০১৩

download1.jpgBongo Very few young women love wearing gold, because they believe it’s a colour for older women or for those women, who have a gaudy fashion sense! But if you sport gold in your wardrobe and accessories in a glamorous way, it can look fabulous and make an unmatched style statement.

If you want to wear gold in your clothes, instead of going for the standard bright shade of this colour, choose a variation that you like. It could be something antique, like a bronze or something light, like champagne, depending on your personal choice. Take into account your skin tone, the colour of your hair and eyes, etc, so that the shade you choose complements your overall personality.According to a report of The Times of India, you can also wear gold in accessories like jewellery, shoes or bags. Incorporate small accessories in your wardrobe, like fine chains, bracelets or even hair accessories to begin with. Wearing these will add a subtle touch of gold to your look. Once you are comfortable with this, you can slowly start sporting the colour in your clothes.In make-up, gold eye shadow can look absolutely glamorous. You can highlight your eyes with gold eyeliner, especially if you have brown or hazel eyes. A dusting of gold powder on your body can elevate your look to another level.Get yourself a gold manicure. You can apply gold nail polish to your nails if you want to dazzle for an evening out, or just get a French manicure, if you’re looking for something less obvious.

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