Abinta Kabir Foundation School Celebrated its First Anniversary

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রবিবার, ৮ জুলাই ২০১৮

Abinta Kabir Foundation School  Celebrated its First Anniversary

bongo-news: Abinta Kabir Foundation School  celebrated its first anniversary of its successful journey of one year since its establishment in  7th July 2018. The school organized a cultural function with its students and a discussion session- where the elites of the society and respectable individuals were present. The program began at 10:30 AM in the premises of Abinta Kabir Foundation School at 100 ft Road.

Abinta Kabir was a great philanthropist and a moral person who always wanted to serve the underprivileged community of Bangladesh. Being a proud Bangladeshi, she had deep sympathy towards the less fortunate people living in the poverty line. She wanted to bridge the gap between the privileged class of people and the less fortunate through adopting holistic measures. During her lifetime, she scripted her views into her personal writings- which reflected her humble concern for the betterment of helpless people along with the values she possessed in herself. Abinta highlighted her mother as her incredible role model for the way she grew up.

To fulfill Abinta’s moral dreams in accordance to her concern of serving the helpless people- Abinta Kabir Foundation was established following her footsteps with a view of creating instances to make the world a better place to live. Abinta Kabir Foundation is relentlessly working since its inception in different social issues according to the concern of Abinta Kabir to bring social changes. Abinta wanted to make education accessible for all in the society especially for the girls as she believed that for proper growth of a child- a mother must be educated well.

Prior to Abinta’s wish of establishing a modern school- Abinta Kabir Foundation in the very beginning established ‘Abinta Kabir Foundation School’ for underprivileged girls of the society at 100 ft road in Madani Avenue, Dhaka. The school is a well equipped model school for female children- which approach to educate its students with the best possible teaching method and curriculum available with all the necessary equipments needed for schooling. At present, 64 children are being well nurtured and taught in the school with a bunch of dedicated teachers. The students are facilitated in all conditions for free to actualize Abinta Kabir’s dream of helping underprivileged people and making education accessible for them.

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, Lady Syeda Sarwat Abed and Professor Dr. Anisuzzaman, US Ambassador to Bangladesh Ms. Marcia Bloom Barnicat were present as the special guests in the occasion and shared their valuable words being the keynote speakers.

The following are the quotes of the guests during their speech:

1. Lady Syeda Sarwat Abed (Director of BRAC and Mrs. of Sir Fazle Hasan Abed): “A little girl looks like ordinary but she was not”
“A 7 year old little girl came to our house and said I really want to work for the underprivileged people of my country”

“If our students will think like Abinta the world would be a very different place.”

“She might not be with us today but she will be there in 100 more girls who will work like for the development of this country”

“Just having a child with good grades is not enough; we should teach them the values for a better life ahead”

2. Miss Marcia Barnicat (US Ambassador): “Knowledge is not the only thing instead we should have some values to lead a better and successful life.”

“Girls are limited everywhere in the world but I am sure this school will provide them the platform to dream and to live it”

“Abinta is alive even today and she will be alive in future too through this school and through her dreams.”

3. Sir Fazle Hasan Abed (Founder and Chairman of BRAC): “Teaching is the most respectable professions ever”

“Abinta’s dreams will be fulfilled through this school and foundation”

4. Professor Anisuzzaman (Eminent Personality and Elite): “This school is for the realization of Abinta’s dreams”

“Love and ambitions will prevail in the world not terror and violence”

5. Ms. Sharon Weber (First Secretary of US Embassy):

“Troubles are temporary and relations are permanent”

বাংলাদেশ সময়: ২:১৪:৫৮   ১৪৬৪ বার পঠিত  

পাঠকের মন্তব্য

(মতামতের জন্যে সম্পাদক দায়ী নয়।)

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