India-Bangladesh border guards celebrate Holi together

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India-Bangladesh border guards celebrate Holi together এর চিত্র ফলাফল
Bongo-news: AGARTALA: Border guards of India and Bangladesh on Sunday celebrated the festival of Holi together along the international border.India’s Border Security Force (BSF) and Border Guards Bangladesh (BGB) played Holi at Akhaura integrated checkpost and other bordering areas of Tripura and exchanged sweets.

Holi, the popular “Festival of Colours”, will be celebrated in some parts of the country on Sunday and other parts on Monday.

“BSF and BGB are very close and have celebrated various annual carnivals each year. Celebration of each other’s festivities together would bring both the organisations closer,” BSF’s 195 Battalion cCommandant Ajit Kurmar P. told reporters at the Akhaura checkpost here.

Source: India Express

বাংলাদেশ সময়: ২০:০৪:৫৬   ৯৯২ বার পঠিত  

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