34th BCS Cadre

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মঙ্গলবার, ১ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৫


Nesar A Nishan

Staff Correspondent:

By the grace of Almighty I stood First in National Merit of 34th BCS Exam. I am the first guy from Ahsanullah University, A private one to stand First in BCS and I feel proud as a member of Institute of Renewable Energy, University of Dhaka and Japan Govt Scholarship holders community to secure the top most position in the history of BCS.
Inshallah I will pursue my career as a an officer of Foreign Affairs. Please keep me in your prayers. M Walid Bin Quashem

My dear friends and members of this group, please take my Salam. As salamu Alaikum. First of all I would like to beg apology from all of you for giving a post which brought many controversies into discussion. I will try to clarify myself and my intesions as well.
1. Why I am late to reply:
Currently I am doing my MS in Japan and I live there with my family. I came to Dhaka to see my parents off for their Haajj observation. I had a scheduled flight back to Japan on Aug 31. Thus after the result I hardly got any time to meet my friends even as I had prepare myself for return. Alhamdulillah I returned this very morning and replying to you.
2. About My post:
With humble submission I want to say that I am just another common man like many others. I never thought that I will become first in BCS or any Cadre. Rather I thank Almighty Allah for blessing me with an unbelievable result to me as well. Last night I was talking to Nazia Lisa apu and expressed that feeling. But anyways after hearing this result I heard from someone(dont want to disclose) that I stood first in combined merit. Also one of my friends father is a member of BPSC and I requested him to verify that. He reconfirmed. Then I posted in this group. But I do agree as BPSC did not publish officially it was better for me to remain quiet. But I was overwhelmed and posted with excitement. I was a silent observer of the BCS related groups and I thought it as a legitimate place to share. I am sorry for that. Please forgive me if I made any mistake. I never intended to hurt anyone or any community.
3. Private vs Public debate:
Personally I studied in both places. Also I am studying in a foriegn university now. So I hate this debate personally. Even my result in DU is even better than that of Ahsanullah. I always believed in gradual personal development and I do believe university cant change a student. The best thing a student can do for his or her success is to concentrate on his or her goal. I neither started that debate nor I like that discussion. I request you cordially to keep me out of that.
4. Some confessions:
I learned many things from this group. But I am sorry to say that this group is no more a career group. It has become a group of criticism. Many people blamed me for whatever I posted. Many claimed Moushumi Apu as the first one. But how you knew that? If I made mistake then you did too. Some people gave merit list and there I found people obtaining FA cadre with 4th national merit position and I was not there. I never replied to any one. Some tried to prove me wrong but did you have any documented proof. This is the group which let respected Sushanta Da stand on custody to prove his first position. He is an idol and he also had to answer and hear that he is a fraud. I duly apologize for my undocumented statement. But BPSC will publish annual report with merit position. If I am proved wrong I will accept all the blames but If I am proved correct then you dont have to sorry to anyone. I will request you to be sorry to yourself and promise yourself not to criticise anyone ever. All join this group with a hope. Its our duty to retain their goal and aspiration. We should keep healthy discussions here. But neverthess, I would like to request group admins, if you think my post is a wrong one then please delete.
And last but not the least, I am sorry again. I never wanted to show myself off in front of you. Again I am begging apology.
Finally I want to express my gratefulness to this group and obviously ‪#‎Mashroof‬ Bhai, ‪#‎Sushanta‬ da, ‪#‎Dolar‬ Riyad bhai, ‪#‎Sujan‬ Da. your advices helped me a lot. I am always a proud guy that I know you either in person or in FB.
Shobai valo thakben, amake khoma korben and amar jonno kindly doa korben.
As Salamu Alaikum.

বাংলাদেশ সময়: ১৭:৫৩:৪৭   ১২৯০ বার পঠিত  

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