RU Teacher Banned for Life from Research & Exam Related Works

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সোমবার, ৩১ আগস্ট ২০১৫


Bongo-News Desk: -
Staff Reporter Nesar A Nishan.



A teacher of Rajshahi University has been banned for life from university research and exam related works after found guilty of mark-sheet tampering.

On the other hand, a Master level student’s studentship has been canceled due to fraudulence activities in thesis paper.

The result of Masters of Science of the year 2012 of Applied Mathematics Department at Rajshahi University (RU) has not been published yet for delay in submission of thesis report.

The teachers and the students of the department raised an allegation that a senior teacher of the department has tempered mark-sheet. “The department’ senior Teacher Professor Shamsul Alam Sarker opened some thesis sheet and gave huge marks to his selected students illegally,” they alleged. The professor did it intentionally to defame the university’s present excellent performance, they claimed.

A teacher alleged, “The professor was unscrupulous by nature right from the beginning of his profession and gave excess marks to his favorite students”. Department sources said, “Professor Shamsul Alam increased the number of a student in order to get him letter in his term as a teacher in the department. Professor Alam along with Shamima Sultana, Associate Professor of the department tempered some tabulation sheet of the batch. Even, Professor Alam requested the second examiner of thesis, who was teacher of Jahangirnagar University, to increase the number of that student.”

বাংলাদেশ সময়: ১২:২৫:৩৪   ৬১০ বার পঠিত  

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